Sounds fun! I want to try! But first, a warning: I am not a pro Magic player by any stretch of the imagination, so my evaluations are almost certainly surface-level and a bit... unique.
- Favorite common in each color
- White: Misthoof Kirin. I grew disenchanted - perhaps overly so - with Pacifism after a few initial drafts. There were just so many Dash and Exploit decks running around that Pacifism almost always felt like a dead card! On the other hand I never got tired of putting down Morphs on turns 3 and 4, and flipping them both up into Misthoof Kirins on turn 5. That always felt good.
- Blue: Gurmag Drowner. I didn't really love Blue this format. Gurmag Drowner was a nice blocker that had the fun side effect of causing your opponent to make the O_o face when you kept one card while discarding a Death Wind, Butcher's Glee, and Ojutai's Breath. That was always amusing. And that one card you kept? Hopefully a...
- Black: Flatten. There's nothing quite so wonderful as smushing an opponent's shiny new dragon.
- Red: Atarka Efreet. Red had a lot of good draft commons, but Atarka Efreet gets my vote because it FIRED (get it?) my imagination the most. Play it turn 3, then on turn 4 nuke your opponent's one potential blocker (who conveniently only has one toughness) before swinging in for six. On turn 5, add in a Dashed Goblin Heelcutter with a Temur Battle Rage! Yeah, okay, it almost never happened like that. But still... !
- Green: Glade Watcher. Green for me was a solid and unspectacular color. Dropping a Glade Watcher on turn 2 was always delightful, helping to stall my opponents while I built up my board. And I never felt bad trading it off if needed. I guess what I really mean here is: I'm picking Glade Watcher because it never made me feel terrible about my life choices.
- Favorite uncommon: Rakshasa Gravecaller. It's a powerful card, and the art makes me think of a cat-demon leading a chorus line of zombies.
- Card I liked better than anyone else: Myth Realized. I don't know what it is about this card, but I can't help picking it up whenever I see it. I love cards that cause both you and your opponent to spend five extra minutes thinking about potential board states, and it's a one-drop to boot!
- Overall impression: I liked this format, especially as a palate cleanser after the multi-colored insanity that was Khans of Tarkir. In contrast Dragons-Dragons-Fate felt a bit more... traditional, with increased emphasis on staying true to your colors and reading table signals.
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