The Draft and the Decks
My first pick was Liliana, Heretical Healer. My second was Wild Instincts. And after that... well, no color really seemed open, so I vacillated between picking up some White, or maybe some Blue...
That's how I ended up playing Black-Green-White. It's true that I could have made a two color deck - but that deck seemed a little light on oomph. I'll take higher power and higher variance any day of the week.
Round 1
My opponent played a Blue-White deck full of flyers, especially Scrapskin Drakes. But they were no match for the Liliana I played both games, especially when she started repeatedly punching them with Wild Instincts that I could Reclaim, and lifelink to boot.
Result: W (2-0)
Round 2
Oh dear god Sphinx's Tutelage. My opponent played a mono-Blue deck full of counters and draw; in his first game he had his Sphinx's Tutelage out on turn 5, and in his second he had it out on turn 3. Both games played the same after that: he countered my threats or stalled them out with creatures like Guardians of Meletis, and all the while he drew card after card with Artificer's Epiphany and other effects, and murdered my deck as a side effect. I knew I should have drafted a Caustic Caterpillar!
Result: L (0-2)
Well, okay, lesson learned: Sphinx's Tutelage is a nightmare. I've seen a thread on a Magic message board bemoaning the lack of control decks in Magic Origins draft. That simply isn't true; the control deck of this format just plays differently than control decks from past formats.
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